Infosys ESG Reporting Solution
Constantly evolving ESG frameworks, changing reporting requirements and multiple disclosure recommendations across geographies become a challenge for organizations. Infosys MetricStream ESG Reporting Solution ensures that organizations are quickly complaint with key ESG reporting guidelines and regulations. It helps organizations get,
- Standardization of data collection process, data quality checks, data categories, and types, and integration into a data hub to resolve primary data-related issues using Infosys’s data integration toolkit- which is seamlessly integrated with the ESG platform.
- Robust ESG platform to perform ESG risk assessments, run questionnaires and campaigns, aggregate results, ESG quantifications, identify and store risks, relate ESG risks to other risk types, link ESG risks, and issues to policies and goals, etc.
- Standard reporting formats for various ESG disclosures in the solution to make the generation and validation of ESG report easier and eliminate the manual efforts to create reports for various frameworks.

Third Party Risk as a Service (TPRaaS) Solution
Infosys TPRaaS powered by MetricStream Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) covers end-to-end Vendor Lifecycle Management and ensures precise risk management at each stage. With Infosys TPRaaS, organizations get –
- Periodic monitoring of internal and external risks. This helps in enhanced decision making through access to real time and proactive Vendor Risk and Market Insights
- Identify single-source vendors and develop a mitigation plan. It also helps improve over-all vendor engagement. Be prepared to avoid potential supply disruptions through proactive planning
- Identify non-contracted and non-compliant vendors instantly. TPRaaS also helps improve documentary compliance.
Infosys TPRaaS combines the MetricStream TPRM with deep domain expertise, consulting, services and business operations to deliver a best-in-class risk solution to customers.
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Infosys-MetricStream GRC Digital Suite
Infosys-MetricStream GRC Digital Suite is a plug and play offering, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), to amplify and further strengthen client implementations of MetricStream solutions. The suite consists of –
- Infosys NLP based Lex Chatbot provides a convenient platform to enable front line users to report, track incidents and ask queries about the functions and business processes of GRC
- Infosys RPA powered bots provide an efficient mechanism to test 100% of controls. These RPA based bots enable testing of all controls within no time, share evidence and update testing reports.
- RADAR Dashboard shows CXO’s and risk managers a consolidated enterprise wide view of key risk indicators empowering them to take informed decisions, at the right time.