
MetricStream Policy and Document Management  streamlines and simplifies the creation and communication of organizational policies, while providing a centralized policy portal to store and access the latest policies. It delivers a contextual view to policies by mapping policies to regulations, risks, and controls, thereby strengthening compliance while highlighting potential risks. Policy and Document Management brings policies to where you are—engaging the first line and increasing policy awareness. The product accelerates effective and proactive management, real-time monitoring, and easy adoption that empowers a culture of trust and integrity across the organization

Policy and Document Management
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Policy and Document Management

Enhance Agility and Efficiency in Managing Policies for Better Governance

Document Management Solutions

Policy and Document Management

Measure Your Program Outcomes

  • 55%
  • reduction in the time taken to create and update policies

  • 90%
  • decrease in the time taken to review and approve policies

  • 50%
  • time savings in tracking and linking policies to regulations


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Source: Based on MetricStream customer responses and GRC Journey Business Value Calculator
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Create and Manage Your Organizational Policies Easily and Effectively

MetricStream Policy Management software, built on the MetricStream Platform, streamlines and simplifies the creation and communication of organizational policies. The product software cuts across enterprise siloes, integrating policies and documents into a centralized policy portal. Using intelligent search capabilities, the product scours thousands of enterprise-wide policies and documents to find the information needed. It also streamlines time-consuming policy and document workflows, enabling you to better manage policy communication, attestations, and exceptions—ultimately improving consistency and efficiency. We bring policies to where you are—engaging the first line and increasing policy awareness.

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How Our Policy and Document Management Software Helps You

How Our Policy and Document Management Software Helps You How Our Policy and Document Management Software Helps You

Centralized Policy Portal for Quick and Easy Access

Access your organization’s latest policies on the product’s centralized policy portal, designed with a simple, intuitive, and easy-to-use interface. View a snapshot of each policy, bookmark policies, and browse those that are most frequently accessed or have recently been published.

Smart, Time Saving Policy Discovery and Search

Quickly search for policies applicable to you from wherever you are with policy search widgets in your intranet, conversational chatbot, or any other workplace tool of your choice. Leverage the product’s natural language processing (NLP) based smart search to enable frontline employees to quickly and easily discover relevant policy information based on their “intent”. The search also factors in related risk and compliance aspects.

Collaborative Policy Creation to Improve Time Management

Upload policies directly from your system, modify existing policies, or create policies from scratch in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. With Microsoft Office 365 integration, work simultaneously - view and edit the same policy at the same time, for faster, more effective results.

Policy-Mapping to Regulations to Stay Primed, Always

Map policies to regulations, risks, controls, requirements, and processes. Link specific sections of policies to applicable regulations and compliance requirements. Trigger automated email notifications and alerts to relevant users indicating changes in policies.

Streamlined, Collaborative Review and Approval Processes

Route either the entire policy document or sections of it for review and approval. If required, enable different sections to be reviewed by different people. Allow multiple users to collaborate on policy review and approval and add their comments.

A Systematic Approach for Policy Communication

Once the policy reviews are completed, communicate the policy to all relevant users through email notifications. Categorize users by roles and allow them to access and read the policy based on their assigned privileges.

Better Configured Policy Attestation Processes

Facilitate policy attestations based on a chosen user or user group. View tasks for attestation on the policy portal. Enable attestations only after each employee scrolls through the entire policy document.

Simplified Policy Exceptions Request Process

Request exceptions for policies right from the policy portal. Specify the reason for exception and the duration for which the exception is required. Configure workflows to manage exceptions and track the status of exceptions.

Comprehensive View of Policies with Reports and Dynamic Dashboards

Leverage powerful reports and graphical dashboards for real-time visibility into the policy management program. Drill down to view statistics and data on policies by type, status, audit history, in-process documents, links to compliance, and associated risks and controls.

How Our Policy and Document Management Software Benefits Your Business

  • Reduce the cycle time required to create, refresh, and align policies with regulatory requirements
  • Build confidence by enabling timely communication of policies and tracking attestations from the right audiences
  • Gain assurance that your organization is compliant with regulatory requirements by simplifying the collection of evidence with attestations
  • Proactively identify potential policy violations by managing the policy exception process in an efficient and transparent manner

Frequently Asked Questions

MetricStream Policy Management software supports policy creation and effective policy management in two ways – inline policy creation and attachment-based. Inline policy creation gives you the ability to break up policy development into various sections, giving multiple users the ability to access the same inline document at the same time. Once this collaboration is complete, you can collate and publish the policy. Policy authors can also upload a draft policy in a centralized repository where it will work its way through the policy management lifecycle process. Attachment-based policy creation allows policies to be submitted as attached documents.

MetricStream Policy Management software enables comprehensive policy management by the linking of policies or sections of policies to regulations, risks, controls, departments, business units, etc. Various reference documents can also be linked to policies as well as sections of policies. The software solution strengthens your compliance program by enabling linking in one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many mapping between policies and other GRC areas like compliance, risk, and the control framework.

The product simplifies managing of policies and procedures by sending automatic email notifications to the concerned users for the policy attestation enabling a culture of compliance. The emails include a link that brings the user directly to the section that needs to be attested/acknowledged. Electronic signatures or check-boxes can be used to confirm attestation.

The product provides workflows for policy exceptions. Users can raise an exception for a policy by providing the reason for the exception and the duration for which the exception is required.

You can explore the MetricStream Regulatory Compliance solution that enables organizations to stay primed on the complex web of regulatory obligations governing the business while also implementing measures, processes, and policies to sustain compliance. To request a demo, click here. regulatory compliance management solution demo

Also, you can visit our Learn section to dive deeper into the GRC universe and the Insight section to explore our customer stories, webinars, thought leadership, and more.


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