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Past Events

Managing Interrelated Risks with Integrated Risk Management

Managing Interrelated Risks with Integrated Risk Management

Join this webinar to hear from experts on how Integrated Risk Management can provide a comprehensive understanding of existing and emerging risks and their inter-relationships.

MetricStream Case and Incident Management – A Preview

MetricStream Case and Incident Management – A Preview

Join this webinar where experts will share insights on how The MetricStream Case and Incident Management enables organizations to establish and follow consistent procedures for case and incident planning and administration, recording, triaging, routing, investigating, tracking, and closure.

Executive Tips to Present Cybersecurity to the Board

Executive Tips to Present Cybersecurity to the Board

Join this webinar hosted by ITGRC Forum where panel of experts will discuss how to present cybersecurity to the board and get their buy-in.

GRC Summit 2020 - Virtual Summit

GRC Summit 2020 - Virtual Summit

Learn about the latest trends and opportunities in GRC. Connect and share ideas with industry peers and leaders. Sign up today for the GRC Summit.

Building Trust by Harnessing Risk

Building Trust by Harnessing Risk

Join this webinar where experts will discuss how building an agile risk and compliance program guided by leading practices can help transform the way your organization operates across all lines of defense.

Staying Relevant and Driving Value-Add Auditing

Staying Relevant and Driving Value-Add Auditing

Join this webinar featuring Lynn Fountain, where she will share her insights on how auditors should be looking beyond the traditional methodologies and effectively respond to the rapidly changing risk landscape.


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