Technology Use Case: Modernizing GRC in a Digital World with the Cloud
By Vidyadhar Phalke, Chief Innovation & Cloud Officer, MetricStream And Shantanu Mane,…
Technology Keynote
By Andreas Diggelmann, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, MetricStream And…
The Rise of Agile GRC in Context of Dynamic and Disrupted Business
Analyst Talk by Michael Rasmussen, Chief GRC Pundit, GRC 20/20
Future of Audit and the Use of Data Analytics
Expert Talk by Peter Kenow, Audit Director – Data Innovation & Analytics, Wells Fargo &…
First Citizens Bank Case Study
Our Journey Towards Integrated GRC by Akhenaton Marcano, Head Operational Risk and Controls,…
Technology Use Case
Improving Cyber-risk and Compliance Postures with Automated Continuous Assessments